

# plyr

Plyr 是一个简单、轻量级、可访问和可定制的 HTML5、YouTube 和 Vimeo 媒体播放器,支持现代浏览器。

# 快速设置

# 安装


npm install plyr


<script src="https://cdn.plyr.io/3.7.2/plyr.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.plyr.io/3.7.2/plyr.css" />

# 使用

# HTML5 视频

Plyr 扩展了标准的 HTML5 媒体元素 (opens new window) 标记,这就是这些类型所需要的一切。

<video id="player" playsinline crossorigin data-poster="img/plyr/HD.jpg" src="img/plyr/576P.mp4">
    <source src="img/plyr/576P.mp4" type="video/mp4" size="576"/>
    <source src="img/plyr/720P.mp4" type="video/mp4" size="720"/>
    <source src="img/plyr/1080P.mp4" type="video/mp4" size="1080"/>


# HTML5 音频

<audio id="player" controls>
    <source src="/path/to/audio.mp3" type="audio/mp3"/>
    <source src="/path/to/audio.ogg" type="audio/ogg"/>

对于 YouTube 和 Vimeo 播放器,Plyr 使用渐进增强来增强默认的<iframe>嵌入。

# 初始化


const player = new Plyr('#player');
// 或者
const player = new Plyr(document.querySelector('.js-player'));


const players = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.js-player')).map((p) => new Plyr(p));
// 或者
const players = Plyr.setup('.js-player');

# 配置


const player = new Plyr('#player', {
  title: 'Example Title',

配置可以像上面一样作为对象传递给构造函数,也可以作为data-plyr-config每个目标元素的属性中的 JSON:

<video src="/path/to/video.mp4" id="player" controls data-plyr-config='{ "title": "Example Title" }'></video>

请注意封装 JSON 的单引号和对象键上的双引号。只有字符串值需要双引号。

Option Type Default Description
enabled Boolean true Completely disable Plyr. This would allow you to do a User Agent check or similar to programmatically enable or disable Plyr for a certain UA. Example below.
debug Boolean false Display debugging information in the console
controls Array, Function or Element ['play-large', 'play', 'progress', 'current-time', 'mute', 'volume', 'captions', 'settings', 'pip', 'airplay', 'fullscreen'] If a function is passed, it is assumed your method will return either an element or HTML string for the controls. Three arguments will be passed to your function; id (the unique id for the player), seektime (the seektime step in seconds), and title (the media title). See CONTROLS.md for more info on how the html needs to be structured.
settings Array ['captions', 'quality', 'speed', 'loop'] If the default controls are used, you can specify which settings to show in the menu
i18n Object See defaults.js Used for internationalization (i18n) of the text within the UI.
loadSprite Boolean true Load the SVG sprite specified as the iconUrl option (if a URL). If false, it is assumed you are handling sprite loading yourself.
iconUrl String null Specify a URL or path to the SVG sprite. See the SVG section for more info.
iconPrefix String plyr Specify the id prefix for the icons used in the default controls (e.g. "plyr-play" would be "plyr"). This is to prevent clashes if you're using your own SVG sprite but with the default controls. Most people can ignore this option.
blankVideo String https://cdn.plyr.io/static/blank.mp4 Specify a URL or path to a blank video file used to properly cancel network requests.
autoplay² Boolean false Autoplay the media on load. If the autoplay attribute is present on a <video> or <audio> element, this will be automatically set to true.
autopause¹ Boolean true Only allow one player playing at once.
seekTime Number 10 The time, in seconds, to seek when a user hits fast forward or rewind.
volume Number 1 A number, between 0 and 1, representing the initial volume of the player.
muted Boolean false Whether to start playback muted. If the muted attribute is present on a <video> or <audio> element, this will be automatically set to true.
clickToPlay Boolean true Click (or tap) of the video container will toggle play/pause.
disableContextMenu Boolean true Disable right click menu on video to help as very primitive obfuscation to prevent downloads of content.
hideControls Boolean true Hide video controls automatically after 2s of no mouse or focus movement, on control element blur (tab out), on playback start or entering fullscreen. As soon as the mouse is moved, a control element is focused or playback is paused, the controls reappear instantly.
resetOnEnd Boolean false Reset the playback to the start once playback is complete.
keyboard Object { focused: true, global: false } Enable keyboard shortcuts for focused players only or globally
tooltips Object { controls: false, seek: true } controls: Display control labels as tooltips on :hover & :focus (by default, the labels are screen reader only). seek: Display a seek tooltip to indicate on click where the media would seek to.
duration Number null Specify a custom duration for media.
displayDuration Boolean true Displays the duration of the media on the "metadataloaded" event (on startup) in the current time display. This will only work if the preload attribute is not set to none (or is not set at all) and you choose not to display the duration (see controls option).
invertTime Boolean true Display the current time as a countdown rather than an incremental counter.
toggleInvert Boolean true Allow users to click to toggle the above.
listeners Object null Allows binding of event listeners to the controls before the default handlers. See the defaults.js for available listeners. If your handler prevents default on the event (event.preventDefault()), the default handler will not fire.
captions Object { active: false, language: 'auto', update: false } active: Toggles if captions should be active by default. language: Sets the default language to load (if available). 'auto' uses the browser language. update: Listen to changes to tracks and update menu. This is needed for some streaming libraries, but can result in non-selectable language options).
fullscreen Object { enabled: true, fallback: true, iosNative: false, container: null } enabled: Toggles whether fullscreen should be enabled. fallback: Allow fallback to a full-window solution (true/false/'force'). iosNative: whether to use native iOS fullscreen when entering fullscreen (no custom controls). container: A selector for an ancestor of the player element, allows contextual content to remain visual in fullscreen mode. Non-ancestors are ignored.
ratio String null Force an aspect ratio for all videos. The format is 'w:h' - e.g. '16:9' or '4:3'. If this is not specified then the default for HTML5 and Vimeo is to use the native resolution of the video. As dimensions are not available from YouTube via SDK, 16:9 is forced as a sensible default.
storage Object { enabled: true, key: 'plyr' } enabled: Allow use of local storage to store user settings. key: The key name to use.
speed Object { selected: 1, options: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 4] } selected: The default speed for playback. options: The speed options to display in the UI. YouTube and Vimeo will ignore any options outside of the 0.5-2 range, so options outside of this range will be hidden automatically.
quality Object { default: 576, options: [4320, 2880, 2160, 1440, 1080, 720, 576, 480, 360, 240] } default is the default quality level (if it exists in your sources). options are the options to display. This is used to filter the available sources.
loop Object { active: false } active: Whether to loop the current video. If the loop attribute is present on a <video> or <audio> element, this will be automatically set to true This is an object to support future functionality.
ads Object { enabled: false, publisherId: '', tagUrl: '' } enabled: Whether to enable advertisements. publisherId: Your unique vi.ai (opens new window) publisher ID. tagUrl is a URL for a custom VAST tag if you're not using Vi.
urls Object See source. If you wish to override any API URLs then you can do so here. You can also set a custom download URL for the download button.
vimeo Object { byline: false, portrait: false, title: false, speed: true, transparent: false } See Vimeo embed options (opens new window). Some are set automatically based on other config options, namely: loop, autoplay, muted, gesture, playsinline
youtube Object { noCookie: false, rel: 0, showinfo: 0, iv_load_policy: 3, modestbranding: 1 } See YouTube embed options (opens new window). The only custom option is noCookie to use an alternative to YouTube that doesn't use cookies (useful for GDPR, etc). Some are set automatically based on other config options, namely: autoplay, hl, controls, disablekb, playsinline, cc_load_policy, cc_lang_pref, widget_referrer
previewThumbnails Object { enabled: false, src: '' } enabled: Whether to enable the preview thumbnails (they must be generated by you). src must be either a string or an array of strings representing URLs for the VTT files containing the image URL(s). Learn more about preview thumbnails below.
mediaMetadata Object { title: '', artist: '', album: '', artwork: [] } The MediaMetadata (opens new window) interface of the Media Session API allows a web page to provide rich media metadata for display in a platform UI.
markers Object { enabled: false, points: [] } enabled: Whether to enable markers. points is an array of { time: number; label: string; } objects where time represents the marker position in seconds and label is the HTML string to be displayed.


Plyr 对象上有方法、setter 和 getter。示例方法使用:

const player = new Plyr('#player', {
  /* options */
player.play(); // Start playback
player.fullscreen.enter(); // Enter fullscreen
Method Parameters Description
play()¹ - Start playback.
pause() - Pause playback.
togglePlay(toggle)¹ Boolean Toggle playback, if no parameters are passed, it will toggle based on current status.
stop() - Stop playback and reset to start.
restart() - Restart playback.
rewind(seekTime) Number Rewind playback by the specified seek time. If no parameter is passed, the default seek time will be used.
forward(seekTime) Number Fast forward by the specified seek time. If no parameter is passed, the default seek time will be used.
increaseVolume(step) Number Increase volume by the specified step. If no parameter is passed, the default step will be used.
decreaseVolume(step) Number Increase volume by the specified step. If no parameter is passed, the default step will be used.
toggleCaptions(toggle) Boolean Toggle captions display. If no parameter is passed, it will toggle based on current status.
fullscreen.enter() - Enter fullscreen. If fullscreen is not supported, a fallback "full window/viewport" is used instead.
fullscreen.exit() - Exit fullscreen.
fullscreen.toggle() - Toggle fullscreen.
airplay() - Trigger the airplay dialog on supported devices.
setPreviewThumbnails(source: PreviewThumbnailsOptions) - Sets the preview thumbnails for the current source.
toggleControls(toggle) Boolean Toggle the controls (video only). Takes optional truthy value to force it on/off.
on(event, function) String, Function Add an event listener for the specified event.
once(event, function) String, Function Add an event listener for the specified event once.
off(event, function) String, Function Remove an event listener for the specified event.
supports(type) String Check support for a mime type.
destroy() - Destroy the instance and garbage collect any elements.

# 获取和设置


player.volume = 0.5; // Sets volume at 50%
player.currentTime = 10; // Seeks to 10 seconds


player.volume; // 0.5;
player.currentTime; // 10
player.fullscreen.active; // false;
Property Getter Setter Description
isHTML5 - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is HTML5.
isEmbed - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is an embedded player.
playing - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is playing.
paused - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is paused.
stopped - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is stopped.
ended - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player has finished playback.
buffered - Returns a float between 0 and 1 indicating how much of the media is buffered
currentTime Gets or sets the currentTime for the player. The setter accepts a float in seconds.
seeking - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is seeking.
duration - Returns the duration for the current media.
volume Gets or sets the volume for the player. The setter accepts a float between 0 and 1.
muted Gets or sets the muted state of the player. The setter accepts a boolean.
hasAudio - Returns a boolean indicating if the current media has an audio track.
speed Gets or sets the speed for the player. The setter accepts a value in the options specified in your config. Generally the minimum should be 0.5.
quality¹ Gets or sets the quality for the player. The setter accepts a value from the options specified in your config.
loop Gets or sets the current loop state of the player. The setter accepts a boolean.
source Gets or sets the current source for the player. The setter accepts an object. See source setter below for examples.
poster Gets or sets the current poster image for the player. The setter accepts a string; the URL for the updated poster image.
previewThumbnails Gets or sets the current preview thumbnail source for the player. The setter accepts a string
autoplay Gets or sets the autoplay state of the player. The setter accepts a boolean.
currentTrack Gets or sets the caption track by index. -1 means the track is missing or captions is not active
language Gets or sets the preferred captions language for the player. The setter accepts an ISO two-letter language code. Support for the languages is dependent on the captions you include. If your captions don't have any language data, or if you have multiple tracks with the same language, you may want to use currentTrack instead.
fullscreen.active - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player is in fullscreen mode.
fullscreen.enabled - Returns a boolean indicating if the current player has fullscreen enabled.
pip¹ Gets or sets the picture-in-picture state of the player. The setter accepts a boolean. This currently only supported on Safari 10+ (on MacOS Sierra+ and iOS 10+) and Chrome 70+.
ratio Gets or sets the video aspect ratio. The setter accepts a string in the same format as the ratio option.
download Gets or sets the URL for the download button. The setter accepts a string containing a valid absolute URL.

# 事件

Event Type Description
progress Sent periodically to inform interested parties of progress downloading the media. Information about the current amount of the media that has been downloaded is available in the media element's buffered attribute.
playing Sent when the media begins to play (either for the first time, after having been paused, or after ending and then restarting).
play Sent when playback of the media starts after having been paused; that is, when playback is resumed after a prior pause event.
pause Sent when playback is paused.
timeupdate The time indicated by the element's currentTime attribute has changed.
volumechange Sent when the audio volume changes (both when the volume is set and when the muted state is changed).
seeking Sent when a seek operation begins.
seeked Sent when a seek operation completes.
ratechange Sent when the playback speed changes.
ended Sent when playback completes. Note: This does not fire if autoplay is true.
enterfullscreen Sent when the player enters fullscreen mode (either the proper fullscreen or full-window fallback for older browsers).
exitfullscreen Sent when the player exits fullscreen mode.
captionsenabled Sent when captions are enabled.
captionsdisabled Sent when captions are disabled.
languagechange Sent when the caption language is changed.
controlshidden Sent when the controls are hidden.
controlsshown Sent when the controls are shown.
ready Triggered when the instance is ready for API calls.

# 仅限HTML5

Event Type Description
loadstart Sent when loading of the media begins.
loadeddata The first frame of the media has finished loading.
loadedmetadata The media's metadata has finished loading; all attributes now contain as much useful information as they're going to.
qualitychange The quality of playback has changed.
canplay Sent when enough data is available that the media can be played, at least for a couple of frames. This corresponds to the HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA readyState.
canplaythrough Sent when the ready state changes to CAN_PLAY_THROUGH, indicating that the entire media can be played without interruption, assuming the download rate remains at least at the current level. Note: Manually setting the currentTime will eventually fire a canplaythrough event in firefox. Other browsers might not fire this event.
stalled Sent when the user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming.
waiting Sent when the requested operation (such as playback) is delayed pending the completion of another operation (such as a seek).
emptied he media has become empty; for example, this event is sent if the media has already been loaded (or partially loaded), and the load() method is called to reload it.
cuechange Sent when a TextTrack has changed the currently displaying cues.
error Sent when an error occurs. The element's error attribute contains more information.

# 快捷方式

Key Action
0 to 9 Seek from 0 to 90% respectively
space Toggle playback
K Toggle playback
Seek backward by the seekTime option
Seek forward by the seekTime option
Increase volume
Decrease volume
M Toggle mute
F Toggle fullscreen
C Toggle captions
L Toggle loop

# 预览缩略图

当您将鼠标悬停在滑动条上或在主视频区域中滑动时,可以根据演示显示预览缩略图。这可用于所有视频类型,但最简单的当然是 HTML5。您需要自己生成精灵或图像。这可以使用 AWS transcoder 之类的东西来生成帧,然后将它们组合成一个精灵图像。出于性能原因,建议使用 Sprite - 它们的下载速度更快,并且更容易压缩成小文件大小,从而使它们加载更快。